If you don't like that child forms from Lazarus visible on the application bar is then do this.
1) If you use anchordocking then open components/anchordocking.pas and make this change:
constructor TAnchorDockHostSite.CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; Num: Integer);
{$IfDef LINUX}
ShowInTaskBar:=stNever; //Soner added
2) For not docked child forms open them and make same changes. I make here changes for ObjectInspector:
// components/ideintf/objectinspector.pp
constructor TObjectInspectorDlg.Create(AnOwner: TComponent);
FComponentEditor := nil;
{$IfDef LINUX}ShowInTaskBar:=stNever; {$IfEnd}//Soner//..
This is my xfce-panel entries before modification (Messages was docked to source-editor):
This is after modification:
Sorry for the very small pictures, i have very small panel size (18pixel).
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